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  > Legends of Might & Magic - Clan RD Site
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Last Visit:01 July 2005 at 01:00:00Login | Top 10 Posters
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status icon feelings gif  new site
not valid icon
01/01/2003 23:04:43
3 10540 OLLE The site is good and have a cool look its...
21/01/2003 08:35:05
status icon feelings gif  should really fix this... lol
not valid icon
04/03/2003 17:15:41
1 10331 magic cool I think magi knows how to do that but thxwe...
04/03/2003 18:53:32
status icon feelings gif  FoC vs RD?
not valid icon
04/03/2003 17:17:05
2 9172 TheInsane1 thx :) we r also setting up a match with...
06/03/2003 23:29:07
status icon feelings gif  Everyone
not valid icon
04/03/2003 21:07:19
1 10293 DaProX ahh it didnt work but u got the point
04/03/2003 21:07:58
status icon feelings gif  about rd site..
not valid icon
08/03/2003 09:37:43
2 10218 TheInsane1 go to http://ellatha.com thats who he got...
08/03/2003 16:26:15
status icon feelings gif  blogh whats your email?
not valid icon
magic cool
09/03/2003 17:55:15
0 9011 magic cool hey blogh could i have your email so i can...
09/03/2003 17:55:15
status icon feelings gif  Line up for match vs Alf
not valid icon
magic cool
12/03/2003 18:05:23
5 10285 magic cool as i
15/03/2003 16:47:11
status icon feelings gif  RD members list
not valid icon
magic cool
06/04/2003 09:17:54
1 12420 blorgh yep you got mine wrong it
06/04/2003 13:32:52
status icon feelings gif  RD is very close to dead
not valid icon
magic cool
13/04/2003 19:35:04
4 11536 blorgh well put this on a voice file and ud have...
15/04/2003 18:57:26
status icon feelings gif  Im back guys
not valid icon
RD LordDjinn
09/06/2003 15:31:33
1 10105 magic cool ok Djinn thx for letting us know your going...
09/06/2003 20:56:20
status icon feelings gif  RD's new server
not valid icon
magic cool
10/06/2003 22:22:13
0 10841 magic cool hey all RD and other people RD has a RD...
10/06/2003 22:22:13
status icon feelings gif  finally...
not valid icon
07/07/2003 20:55:02
1 12836 magic cool i
07/07/2003 22:17:22
status icon feelings gif  reconstruction of RD
not valid icon
magic cool
14/07/2003 18:38:48
0 10542 magic cool ok (RD)cool{L} here i am trying to reconstruct...
14/07/2003 18:38:48
status icon feelings gif  tfa match
not valid icon
29/07/2003 19:36:17
1 10284 magic cool u want to know what happend well nothing...
29/07/2003 22:54:37
status icon feelings gif  RD Merged with SA!
not valid icon
magic cool
03/08/2003 10:26:12
0 10020 magic cool hey all RD and everyone else RD decided...
03/08/2003 10:26:12
status icon feelings gif  RD members plz read
not valid icon
magic cool
27/08/2003 16:45:59
0 10176 magic cool any one who is a member of RD should give...
27/08/2003 16:45:59
status icon feelings gif  RD lost vs DK
not valid icon
magic cool
14/09/2003 23:01:38
0 12324 magic cool well RD we lost vs DK but the match was...
14/09/2003 23:01:38
status icon feelings gif  RD and SA merger a failar
not valid icon
magic cool
16/10/2003 18:36:14
0 12521 magic cool The RD and SA merge was a complete failar...
16/10/2003 18:36:14
status icon feelings gif  hey
not valid icon
16/10/2003 19:08:45
0 12569 Doom I just wanted every to know that who ever...
16/10/2003 19:08:45
status icon feelings gif  Members list
not valid icon
magic cool
02/01/2003 22:53:36
3 13066 magic cool ok i will email you all the members magi
02/02/2003 14:54:42
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