The Thebes Times

Antigone Knew better than that!

She is guilty in every way first for disobeying Creon’s law and second for being a member of that contaminated bloodline. If she had been smart, enough she would have acted like her sister Ismene. 

Antigone did not do this to honor her brother she did it because she wanted to show Creon that she will not stop before anything, not even him. Is not as if she did this to honor her family, she wanted Creon to know that it was she. Once she buried her brother, she came a second time and buried him again. I do not think that to honor your family you need to bury them twice. 

People like her have to be in jail and she should be convicted like any other. Her family brought disaster to Thebes why should we forgive her after such unrespectable behavior. All I can say is that no in my heart there is no forgiveness for such criminal. If I were to be on her position, I would not have done it. Women do not have the same rights as men, as Antigone should have stayed home with her sister and maybe she would have been able to live a decent life. 

Creon you have made Thebes come to calm again and this young woman has disobeyed you. You may count with all my consent to prosecute just as any other criminal. Do not have mercy on her. 

Duke Smith
Attorney of Thebes firm

Copyright '2001