The Thebes Times

DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently I became ruler of a city and know have many responsibilities. I have come into this situation threw an unfortunate happening the former leader was killed in battle along with his brother a former citizen of the city that turned against it. I have made the decision to let this traitor's body be left unburied to show the people what will happen to traitors of the city. I though that is was a good idea and even
made the punishment for breaking this law death. However I am coming upon certain difficulties the sister of these fallen brothers has gone and buried
her bother the traitor. She questions my authority and asks who am I to go
against the Gods whom say every man has the right to burial. I have sentenced the girl to a tomb but am not sure if I should follow through with it she does make a point and I would not want to anger the Gods. But at the same time I am leader to the people of my city and want to set an example of traitors and I would look foolish to go back on my law. Please help me and give me some advice on which path I should take.
- Confused King

DEAR CONFUSED KING: It sounds like you are in a real jam. I don't want totell which road to choose and which one not to choose because that is a very big decision. You have to look at the situation not only from your eyes but also from the eyes of the sister of the fallen brothers. If it were you who had a brother that was doomed to walk the earth what would you do? Do you feel that you have the right to punish this girl for something that she did because in actuality the gods want mankind to receive proper burial? When you forbid a dead soul from being buried I personally believe that you are crossing a line that should be left alone. In doing this the gods might
become angry an even result to retaliation against you for your poor
decision. There is a very important lesson that you must learn if you want to
become a good and well respected king that lesson is you must know how to pick and choose your battles because you cant be right all the time. I
believe you are wise and will hopefully make the right decision because
crossing the gods is risky business

Copyright '2001