Wood Repair is used to repair damaged wooden items. Wooden items are the things that can be created using the Carpentry skill. Wood Repair will not work on magical wooden items.
You must have Carpenters Tools to repair wooden items.
Double-click on the tools, and then select the item you want to repair. After four seconds you’ll be told whether you’ve successfully repaired it or not. Repaired items get all of their damage back.
The odds of success are 50% plus 1/2 of your skill level plus 1/6 of your Dexterity, minus 1 for every 2 percent damage the item has taken. If you fail to repair the item, there is a one in (Skill Level + (Dexterity/3)) chance that the repair attempt will damage it further. If that happens, the item suffers an additional 1% to 10% damage.
You cannot repair anything until it is more than 25% damaged. An item that isn't damaged enough to repair still says "new" when you look at it. Repair attempts eventually wear out your carpenters tools. Single-click on the tools to see what kind of shape they’re in: new, slightly used, worn out, etc. New carpenters tools cost 200 at a Carpenters Shop, and last an average of 200 uses before breaking (unless they get repaired with the Iron Repair skill).