Carpentry skill is used to make items out of wooden logs and planks. You can sell the items you make to stores or players.
To create a wooden item you must have Carpenters Tools in your backpack. Double-click on the tools, and then select the stack of logs or planks you want to work on. This brings up a menu of the wooden items you have enough material to make (in the stack you selected and any other stacks at the same inventory level), and that you have a high enough level in Carpentry skill to make.
The menu is sub-Categorized into weapons, armor, ammunition and tools. The number of logs or planks required is listed for each item.
Double-click the item you want to try to create. Each item takes a different amount of time and has a different base chance of success.
After the requisite time period, you’ll be told whether you’ve successfully created the item or wasted those resources. The odds of success are (Base %) plus 1 /2 of your skill level plus 1 /6 of your Dexterity.
Carpentry eventually wears out your carpentry tools. Single-click on the tools to see what kind of shape they’re in: new, slightly used, worn out, etc. New carpentry tools cost 200 at a Carpentry Shop, and last an average of 200 uses before breaking (unless they get repaired with the Iron Repair skill).