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Product Search Results: Processors
Playing with Fire: The Strange Case of Marine Shale Processors | | Price: $32 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Playing with Fire chronicles the ongoing struggle facing Louisiana families trying to live and work against the backdrop of corrupt politicians and corporate greed. However, the story presented here is relevant wherever low-income, disenfranchised Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : d10cab18-0d19-477e-b3f2-779760331043 UPC / ISBN : |
CMOS Processors and Memories | | Price: $159 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: CMOS Processors and Memories addresses the-state-of-the-art in integrated circuit design in the context of emerging computing systems. New design opportunities in memories and processor are discussed. Emerging materials that can take syst Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 5b3491ac-339f-4ff9-ba42-6b74473e8a10 UPC / ISBN : |
How to Become a Pigment Processor: How to Become a Pigment Processor | | Price: $5.99 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Pigment Processor. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Pigment Processor Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 9c0c904f-c13f-4719-aa00-653ad78026b0 UPC / ISBN : |
Concepts of Dehydration and Drying for Small-scale Food Processors | | Price: $119 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Looking for instructional material to help extend the shelf life of your crops? Look no further.Drying is one of the main preservation techniques available for extending the useful storage life of food products such as fruits and vegetable Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 684c94fa-62e8-406f-9ec4-18a60ed3d6ae UPC / ISBN : |
The Designer's Guide to the Cortex-M Processor Family | | Price: $64.95 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: The Designer's Guide to the Cortex-M Microcontrollers gives you an easy-to-understand introduction to the concepts required to develop programs in C with a Cortex-M based microcontroller. The book begins with an overview of the Cortex-M f Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : f9ea21c6-9cb4-4b34-b81f-85840dde26c8 UPC / ISBN : |
Modern Assembly Language Programming with the ARM Processor | | Price: $89.95 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Modern Assembly Language Programming with the ARM Processor, Second Edition is a tutorial-based book on assembly language programming using the ARM processor. It presents the concepts of assembly language programming in different ways, sl Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 8ca77a0c-8088-43a7-b10a-443655a9302f UPC / ISBN : |
Application Processor Vendors A Complete Guide - 2019 Edition | | Price: $71.99 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: What is the extent or complexity of the Application Processor Vendors problem? What are the minority interests and what amount of minority interests can be recognized? Are there measurements based on task performance? Who is the main stakeholder, Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : dc2904a1-274f-425e-a7b8-c3ea408580f6 UPC / ISBN : |
Pentium™ Processor: Optimization Tools | | Price: $72.95 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Pentium Processor Optimization Tools covers advanced program optimization techniques for the Intel 80x86 family of chips, including the Pentium. The book starts by providing a review and history of the optimization tool. The text then discusses th Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 5f837eae-8a06-474a-a7c0-571a9fc34aa5 UPC / ISBN : |
Modern Assembly Language Programming with the ARM Processor | | Price: $79.95 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Modern Assembly Language Programming with the ARM Processor is a tutorial-based book on assembly language programming using the ARM processor. It presents the concepts of assembly language programming in different ways, slowly building fr Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 02ae1df7-6438-429f-b2dc-acca4fd5bd6e UPC / ISBN : |
How to Become a Crab Meat Processor: How to Become a Crab Meat Processor | | Price: $5.99 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Crab Meat Processor. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Crab Meat Processor Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 01b55d36-b532-4ede-8846-d6bcfd7e1141 UPC / ISBN : |
Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach | | Price: $62.99 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach, Third Edition shows both student and professional alike the basic concepts of parallel programming and GPU architecture, exploring, in detail, various techniques for construc Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : f4554c21-a64e-4c0b-b81e-193ad2bd1591 UPC / ISBN : |
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