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Product Search Results: Components
Two-Component Signaling Systems, Part B | | Price: $210 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Multicellular organisms must be able to adapt to cellular events to accommodate prevailing conditions. Sensory-response circuits operate by making use of a phosphorylation control mechanism known as the "two-component system."Sections in Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 5576d643-bbe9-49a0-8b85-e577ee8a5dd7 UPC / ISBN : |
Surface Engineering: Enhancing Life of Tribological Components | | Price: $89 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: This book is intended to help engineers analyze service condition and potential mechanisms of surface degradation. This will enable engineers select suitable materials for improved service-life and performance of engineering components. The book c Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 8f98dbe8-7d8e-4678-ae0c-455c84c48312 UPC / ISBN : |
Reading Disabilities: Diagnosis and Component Processes | | Price: $54.99 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: The present volume is based on the proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute (ASI) sponsored by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The Institute was conducted at the beautiful Chateau de Bonas, near Toulouse, France in October, 1991. Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 1c61eb03-baf8-4b7c-8784-37455b35aa7f UPC / ISBN : |
Evolution: Components and Mechanisms | | Price: $49.95 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Evolution: Components and Mechanisms introduces the many recent discoveries and insights that have added to the discipline of organic evolution, and combines them with the key topics needed to gain a fundamental understanding of the mecha Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 034fab0f-a997-4783-bae7-e7681126f6d6 UPC / ISBN : |
Fatigue Design of Components | | Price: $165 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: This volume contains a selection of papers presented at Fatigue Design 95 held in Helsinki, Finland from 5-8 September 1995. The papers have been peer reviewed and present practical aspects for the design of components and structures to avoid fati Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 9fe562d3-bb1a-42f0-adb4-0eedd0e8b0ab UPC / ISBN : |
Durability of Building Materials and Components | | Price: $99 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Durability of Building Materials and Components provides a collection of recent research works to contribute to the systematization and dissemination of knowledge related to the long-term performance and durability of construction and, simultaneou Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 429d313c-907a-4d7f-860e-bb5f1c970c55 UPC / ISBN : |
Multiphysics Modeling: Materials, Components, and Systems | | Price: $120 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Multiphysics Modelling: Materials, Components, and Systems focuses on situations where coupled phenomena involving a combination of thermal, fluid, and solid mechanics occur. Important fundamentals of the various physics that are required Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 0f6573ce-834c-4f38-84a0-ca05d785cc2d UPC / ISBN : |
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