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Product Search Results: Adhesives
Advances in Structural Adhesive Bonding | | Price: $300 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Adhesive bonding is often effective, efficient, and often necessary way to join mechanical structures. This important book reviews the most recent improvements in adhesive bonding and their wide-ranging potential in structural engineering. Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 49871ca6-0cbb-40d7-a503-1ccfbbd9211b UPC / ISBN : |
Adhesives in Manufacturing | | Price: $500 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: This book provides an exhaustive range of detailed, easy-access information required to initiate or improve an adhesive bonding operation in a modern industrial environment. Featuring recent developments and more than 400 photos, figures, and tabl Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 11f0a23a-6337-4deb-862b-3293b72763bd UPC / ISBN : |
Progress in Adhesion and Adhesives, Volume 3 | | Price: $203 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: A solid collection of interdisciplinary review articles on the latest developments in adhesion science and adhesives technology With the ever-increasing amount of research being published, it is a Herculean task to be fully Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 01ec9b07-3906-4310-b426-c5f74ddaf729 UPC / ISBN : |
Structural Adhesive Joints in Engineering | | Price: $89 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: The intention of this book is that it should contain everything an engineer needs to know to be able to design and produce adhesively bonded joints which are required to carry significant loads. The advan tages and disadvantages of bonding are giv Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 8597cfe8-2301-475a-9370-8408e7d52bb7 UPC / ISBN : |
Renewable Resources for Surface Coatings, Inks and Adhesives | | Price: $275 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Providing a detailed survey of renewable raw materials for paints, inks and glues, this book is ideal for researchers and practitioners working in the areas of green chemistry, industrial chemistry and sustainability. Beginning with a brief histor Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : a3a81420-53b5-4d74-8778-581a87e0f1ad UPC / ISBN : |
How to Become a Adhesive Primer: How to Become a Adhesive Primer | | Price: $5.99 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Adhesive Primer. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Adhesive Primer Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 226fef46-71ca-4515-b500-1393b813b3e6 UPC / ISBN : |
Surgical Adhesives & Sealants: urrent Technology and Applications | | Price: $105 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Surgical tissue adhesives are an ancient idea, going back to the beginnings of recorded history. The concept of adhering, rather than suturing, packing, or stapling planes of tissue is attractive, in that it is fast-acting and assures complete clo Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 15458948-8d5f-4a74-b60b-af0ec27acb39 UPC / ISBN : |
Progress in Adhesion and Adhesives, Volume 7 | | Price: $180 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: PROGRESS IN ADHESION AND ADHESIVESKeep up-to-date with the latest on adhesion and adhesives from an expert group of worldwide authors.The book series Progress in Adhesion and Adhesives was Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 7b3cfebf-c3f3-4df9-bc8a-657137587214 UPC / ISBN : |
Design of Adhesive Joints Under Humid Conditions | | Price: $99 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: This book describes most recent advances and limitations concerning design of adhesive joints under humid conditions and discusses future trends. It presents new approaches to predict the failure load after exposure to load, temperature and humidi Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 0df0b3c8-81c4-46d2-83c4-88155d599673 UPC / ISBN : |
Progress in Adhesion and Adhesives, Volume 2 | | Price: $202 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: With the ever-increasing amount of research being published it is a Herculean task to be fully conversant with the latest research developments in any field, and the arena of adhesion and adhesives is no exception. Thus, topical review articles pr Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : d2e8d378-ce46-485a-9cca-26757be0e582 UPC / ISBN : |
Adhesive Particle Flow: A Discrete-Element Approach | | Price: $123 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Offering a comprehensive treatment of adhesive particle flows, this book adopts a particle-level approach oriented toward directly simulating the various fluid, electric field, collision, and adhesion forces and torques acting on the particles, wi Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 6ef00583-34eb-42aa-ba63-ffc2183a67ab UPC / ISBN : |
Adhesive Joints: Formation, Characteristics and Testing: Volume 2 | | Price: $300 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: This volume documents the proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Adhesive Joints: Formation, Characteristics and Testing held in Newark, NJ, May 22-24, 2000. Since the first symposium, held in 1982, there had been tremendous research Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 575ebecf-6d8d-4109-b974-28ffc0cb996c UPC / ISBN : |
Introduction to Adhesive Bonding | | Price: $86 Store: Rakuten Kobo US Description: Introduction to Adhesive Bonding A step-by-step introduction to basic principles and practical applications of adhesive bonding, designed for students and professionals alike Adhesive bonding-the pro Buy Now | More Info | Keywords: SKU / Item No. : 13fb76cc-2e4c-4d9a-b633-95f6ef2877d4 UPC / ISBN : |
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