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Many Updates to LP Store and some Wormhole changes with Uprising Expan Minimize
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EVE-Online FanSite News
Posted on 08 November 2022 at 12:00:00 by DaOpa. | Print News Share

Just processed many updates to both the LP Stores Database and Wormhole lists.

Here are some of the changes and updates.

New Wormhole added, and a bunch of wormhole stable times changes

Added New Faction Evermore and the following corp that sells ship emblems

FW Militia LP Stores have many new offers

Small list of the offers:

Each of the FW militias has new deployables
Listening Outpost
Propaganda Broadcast Structure

Amarr Militia Adds / Updates
Coercer Navy Issue
Coercer Navy Issue Blueprint
Magnate Navy Issue
Magnate Navy Issue Blueprint
Prophecy Navy Issue
Prophecy Navy Issue Blueprint
Revelation Navy Issue
Revelation Navy Issue Blueprint

Caldari Milita Adds / Updates
Cormorant Navy Issue
Ferox Navy Issue
Heron Navy Issue
Heron Navy Issue Blueprint
Phoenix Navy Issue
Scorpion Navy Issue Blueprint

Gallente Milita Adds / Updates
Catalyst Navy Issue
Dominix Navy Issue Blueprint
Imicus Navy Issue
Moros Navy Issue
Moros Navy Issue Blueprint
Myrmidon Navy Issue

Minmatar Milita Adds / Updates
Cyclone Fleet Issue
Naglfar Fleet Issue
Naglfar Fleet Issue Blueprint
Probe Fleet Issue
Probe Fleet Issue Blueprint
Thrasher Fleet Issue
Thrasher Fleet Issue Blueprint

Some missing and fixes to the lp database

Caldari Navy Command Mindlink
Imperial Navy Command Mindlink

Added Nirvana Implants to for sansha factions
Read : 2090 | Back
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