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Posted on 17 September 2010 at 12:20:10 by store-coupon. | Print News Share

The Space Store nasa memorablia

Check out some really cool nasa memorabilia on sell at the space store!

The Space Store offers free U.S. ground shipping on all orders over $120.
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Apollo 14  Lunar Surface Flown Film Apollo 14 Lunar Surface Flown Film
With Apollo 14 NASA returned their manned lunar landings after the Apollo 13 abort. Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell used a two-wheeled cart on the moon and Shepard became the first golf player on the moon. Stuart Roosa meanwhile remained in the command module in lunar orbit. This presentation bears a piece of an unexposed but processed 70mm film of Alan Shepard's Hasselblad camera he used on the moon. The film strip comes from Roll 64 and was OUTSIDE !! the lunar module on the lunar surface. Comes with a numbered certificate of authenticity plus a fact sheet about Apollo 14. This edition is limited to 50 presentations. The source of this strap is Richard Underwood who was responsible for the film handling after the missions. Your presentation package includes :8x10 color glossy presentation - ready to mat and frame Lunar surface flown piece of film Certificate of authenticity Attractive Apollo 14 fact sheet with interesting facts about the mission an additional $10 will be added for the shipping and handling of this item.
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Shuttle Mission Pin Set  #2 Shuttle Mission Pin Set #2
Shuttle Mission Pinset #2 - This Collector Edition Shuttle Mission Pinset comes in an 11 x 14 beautifully matted frame. The Frame is crafted with the finest materials and has hanging hardware, as well as an easel stand, for your choice of how you wish to display this impressive set. Pin Set #2 - Shuttle Program Design, America's Pride...
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Apollo/Soyuz/Skylab Missions Pin Set Apollo/Soyuz/Skylab Missions Pin Set
Apollo/ Skylab/ Apollo - Soyuz Mission Pin Frame Set This 20 insignia lapel pin set includes all the Apollo Program mission emblems, the patch designs for the Skylab space station (launched with Apollo hardware) and the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project first multi-nation mission. Also included in this 11 by 14 inch frame is a double-sized Apollo Program lapel pin, a mini-replica of the Apollo 11 plaque left on the Moon and a metal-etched inscribed plaque. A handsome gift for the space fan in your life or for yourself. Size: 11" x 14"
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Framed Apollo Pin Set Framed Apollo Pin Set
Apollo Program Pin Set - This set of mission insignia lapel pins commemorate the legacy of the Apollo program. Included are insignias from the 11 manned Apollo missions, as well as the Apollo Program emblem, and a replica emblem of the plaque left on the Moon by the Apollo 11 astronauts. Size: 11-3/4" x 9-3/4" wood frame 8 x 10 inches.
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Apollo Missions Patch Set Apollo Missions Patch Set
A complete set of 12 official Apollo Mission patches, plus the official Apollo Program patch. Project Apollo was a series of human spaceflight missions undertaken by the United States of America (NASA) using the Apollo spacecraft and Saturn launch vehicle, conducted during the years 1961 – 1975. It was devoted to the goal (in U.S. President John F. Kennedy's famous words) of "landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth" within the decade of the 1960s. This goal was achieved with the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969.The program continued into the early 1970's to carry out the initial hands-on scientific exploration of the Moon, with a total of six successful landings. As of 2007, there has not been any further human spaceflight beyond low earth orbit. The later Skylab program and the joint American-Soviet Apollo-Soyuz Test Project used equipment originally produced for Apollo, and are often considered to be part of the overall program.
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Gemini Missions Patch Set Gemini Missions Patch Set
A complete set of official Gemini Mission patches. Project Gemini was the second human spaceflight program of the United States of America. It operated between Projects Mercury and Apollo, during the years 1963-1966. Its objective was to develop techniques for advanced space travel, notably those necessary for Project Apollo, whose objective was to land men on the Moon. Gemini missions involved extravehicular activity and orbital maneuvers including rendezvous and docking. Gemini was originally seen as a simple extrapolation of the Mercury program, and thus early on was called Mercury Mark II. The actual program had little in common with Mercury and was in fact superior to even Apollo in some ways. (See Big Gemini.) This was mainly a result of its late start date, which allowed it to benefit from much that had been learned during the early stages of the Apollo project (which, despite its later launch dates, was actually begun before Gemini). Its primary difference from Mercury was that the earlier spacecraft had all systems other than the reentry rockets situated within the capsule, to which access of nearly all was through the astronaut's hatchway, while Gemini had many power, propulsion, and life support systems in a detachable module like a huge bowl; many components in the capsule itself were reachable each through its own small access door. The original intention was for Gemini to land on solid ground instead of at sea, using a paraglider rather than a parachute, and for the crew to be seated upright controlling the forward motion of the craft before its landing. To facilitate this, the parachute cord did not attach just to the nose of the craft; there was an additional attachment point for balance near the heat shield. This cord was covered by a strip of metal between the doors. Early short-duration missions had their electrical power supplied by batteries; later endurance missions had the first fuel cells in manned spacecraft.
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Space Journeys - A virtual visit to NASA Johnson Space Center - CD-ROM Space Journeys - A virtual visit to NASA Johnson Space Center - CD-ROM
Space Journeys - A virtual visit to NASA Johnson Space Center - CD-ROM The Virtual JSC Tour for NASA's Johnson Space Center gives an interactive journey through some of the more interesting facilities at JSC. You are taken on a ground-based tour around from the main concourse on the JSC compound to a facility that contains physical training mockups of the International Space Station laboratory modules to Space Shuttle training simulators. You are able to negotiate doors and entryways, climb up and down virtual stairs, and traverse through the virtual JSC compound at will through the interactions of a simple computer keyboard and mouse
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Space Mission 28 Piece Playset Space Mission 28 Piece Playset
This 28 Piece Space Mission Toy, for astronauts ages 4 and up, is all you need to start your very own space program. We are sure this is how Sean O'Keefe started! Includes space shuttle, shuttle 747 carrier, Saturn V transport, Saturn V, astronauts, a lunar lander and more. Die cast metal and plastic pieces. Moving wheels. Authentic details hand painted figures die cast metal and plastic parts free running wheels authentic decals.
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