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Posted on 05 January 2014 at 16:30:03 by save-coupons. | Print News Share

Spiritual Cinema Circle Promo

Spiritual Cinema Circle coupons

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Did you know that less than 1% of all the independent films (those made without any studio financing) actually make it into theaters? This means that there are lots of wonderful, creative films that are rarely seen…..until now.

The Spiritual Cinema Circle, America's fastest growing DVD club, searches film festivals around the world for inspiring features, documentaries and short films.

Right now, I want to let you know about an opportunity to see a very special collection of independent films that you can share with the entire family, especially your children (or grandchildren!). You can receive these films for FREE with a nominal shipping charge.

Eve and the Fire Horse is the feature film in this collection. This heart-warming story about two Chinese sisters, who create their own spiritual practice, was described by renowned film critic Roger Ebert as "luminous, intelligent, delicate, and touching." Also included are three short films: Dorme, a magical, animated film about where our spirits go when we fall asleep; Amy Goes to Wadjemup Island, which is about the ancient wisdom of the Aboriginals; and Mini Cine Tupy, in which a film-obsessed trash gatherer in the outskirts of Sao Paolo, Brazil sets up a small movie theatre in the garage of his house so he can to show movies to the neighborhood kids for free.

All of these films are sure to open some very deep and stimulating conversations with children of every age. New subscribers to the Spiritual Cinema Circle will receive a free DVD containing these four films (for a nominal shipping fee) if you sign up before August 14th, 2008. To learn more please click here!

Spiritual Cinema Circle

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