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Posted on 19 July 2009 at 12:00:00 by DaOpa. | Print News Send To Friend

Factional Warfare Stations & LP Offers

Looks like some changes are coming to FW Warfare and LP points generation:

Here are some snips from the dev blog!
"Signing on Factional Warfare will now grant the same advantage by giving enlisted pilots price reductions on all navy ships offers."

Navy ship offerCurrent FW store offerNew FW store offer
Navy tier 2 battleship built600,000 LP, 1x tech1 tier 2 battleship, 1x BS Nexus Chip250,000 LP, 1x tech1 battleship, 1x BS Nexus Chip
Navy tier 2 battleship blueprint copy offer 2500,000 LP, 1x officer tag, lot of other tags250,000 LP, 1x officer tag
Navy tier 2 battleship blueprint copy offer 1500,000 LP, 200m ISK250,000 LP, 20m ISK
Navy higher tier cruiser built240,000 LP, 1x tech1 cruiser, 1x cruiser Nexus Chip45,000 LP, 1x tech 1 cruiser, 1x cruiser Nexus Chip
Navy higher tier cruiser blueprint copy offer 2150,000 LP, 1x officer tag, lot of other tags45,000 LP, 1x pirate commander crystal tag
Navy higher tier cruiser blueprint copy offer 1100,000 LP, 20m ISK45,000 LP, 5m ISK
Navy lower tier cruiser built90,000 LP, 1x tech 1 cruiser, 1x cruiser Nexus Chip30,000 LP, 1x tech 1 cruiser, 1x cruiser Nexus Chip
Navy frigate built80,000 LP, 1x tech1 frigate, 1x frigate Nexus Chip10,000 LP, 1x tech1 frigate, 1x frigate Nexus Chip
Navy frigate blueprint copy offer 250,000 LP, 1x pirate commander silver tag, lot of other tags10,000 LP, 1x pirate commander gold tag
Navy frigate blueprint copy offer 130,000 LP, 10m ISK10,000 LP, 2m ISK

How to calculate / formula:

[Total given LP value]: [Ship hull LP]x[Ship tech level LP]x[Pilot FW rank]

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
LP xx1x1.1x1.2x1.3x1.4x1.5x1.6x1.7x1.8x2

[Ship hull LP table]:
Titan: 14000
Mothership: 7000
Carrier, dreadnought: 4000
Freighter, rorqual: 2000
Orca: 1000
Battleship: 500
Battlecruiser: 200
Cruiser: 100
Industrial, mining barge: 50
Destroyer: 40
Frigate: 25
Shuttle, rookie ship, capsule: 0


I'm going to check out test server and see if I can find more intel on FW Changes / LP Offers

Update -

Found all the cool new FW Implants

There are 4 new implant sets boosting racial sensors.

Grail - Amarr
Jackal - Minmatar
Spur - Gallente
Talon - Caldari

New Items in FW LP Stores

Amarr | Gallente | Caldari | Minmatar

New Drones in FW LP Stores

Amarr | Gallente | Caldari | Minmatar

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