Special Report:
News has come in from Palisades of a second Bane Attack at Cumbria
Research Facility!
This time the Bane brought in Huge Juggernauts to Blow up the Research
Here are some images taking by our reporters....
Juggernauts are landing !!
Juggernauts being contained by AFS troops
Strider Units make there way into battle.
Elite Stalker Unit attacks AFS Forces
Flaregasher destroyed by our troopers.
Hmmm ... Bane always seem to bring there pet cats along ... Hmmmm
As noted by our Trooper Cane ,
umm yah he was wounded in battle, he meant AFS!
Special Guest AFS TROOPER "GM_ROLF" made an appearance.
- everyone wanted to take his picture.. I guess the Flashes got to him !
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