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Posted on 12 August 2014 at 12:05:25 by Magi. | Print News Share

Laplink coupons, free shipping, product deals!

Listed here are the latest coupons, free shipping specials and product deals from!

Laplink coupons

Get PCMover Home!
Description: Get PCMover Home!
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PCmover Professional
Description: PCmover Professional
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10% off PCmover Pro at Limited time offer!
Description: 10% off PCmover Pro at Limited time offer!
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PCmover at
Description: PCmover at
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Need assistance supporting your critical IT related PC refresh projects? Visit
Description: IT related PC refresh projects
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Laplink Software - Der weltweite Marktführer in PC-Konnektivität.
Description: Direct link to Laplink German home page -
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Laplink Software - El líder mundial en conectividad de PC.
Description: Direct link to Laplink Spanish home page -
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Laplink Software - Numéro sur le marché de la connectivité PC.
Description: Direct link to Laplink French home page -
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The easiest way to set up a new PC! - Visit
Description: New PC
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The ONLY software that automatically transfers everything to your new PC! - Visit
Description: Automatically transfers everything to your new PC.
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Mueva todos los programas de su ordenador y sus datos personales a un nuevo ordenador con PCmover de Laplink.
Description: Mueva Todos Sus Programas, Archivos y configuraciones a un Nuevo Ordenador.
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PCmover de Laplink transfère programmes, données ainsi que configurations de registre entre deux PC ou deux systèmes d'exploitation.
Description: Déplacez programmes, dossiers et configurations vers votre nouvel ordinateur.
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Laplink Software - Il leader mondiale in fatto di connettività PC.
Description: Direct link to Laplink Italian home page -
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No other coupons or offers are currently available from our affiliate database.

PCmover Windows 7 Upgrade Assistant - For PC users that want to upgrade their current PC to Windows 7. Of the 66 Windows 7 upgrade scenarios detailed by Microsoft, only 14 are supported by Windows. That is why we created Windows 7 Upgrade Assistant, it helps you upgrade your PC from any version of Windows (version XP or later) to Windows 7. Learn More

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget about our other editions of PCmover. With complete file and folder selectivity as well as automatic application installation, PCmover is the ONLY software your customers need to setup their new PC. Learn More

PCsync - Designed for users of multiple computers, including Windows 7 PCs and Macs. With this software you can: transfer and synchronize files and folders between PCs, external hard drives, network computers, USB drives and Macs. It can schedule automatic sync jobs to run daily, weekly or monthly and is very easy to setup. Learn More

Laplink DiskImage - Helps users create images of their hard drives to be restored quickly and easily to protect against unforeseen data loss. The software can be set up to make an incremental image each day so you never have to worry about losing your data. Learn More

Laplink SafeErase - SafeErase utilizes a series of six government-recommended deletion methods to completely wipe selected data from your hard drive, no matter what the file is. PC users can’t protect themselves enough in this day and age and simply dragging files and dropping them in the recycle bin is no where good enough. This Windows 7 compatible software is the ultimate tool to protect your secure data. Learn More

Laplink Software specializes in remote access and remote control software, file transfer, synchronization utilities, and instant connectivity.

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