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Dentalplans coupons |
Coupon, Promo CodePosted on 02 January 2014 at 22:10:05 by Magi. | 
 DentalPlans.com coupons, service discounts!Listed here are the latest coupons and service offers from DentalPlans.com!
Dentalplans couponsNo other coupons or offers are currently available from our affiliate database.
Displayed here is a beginner's guide to discount dental plans by DentalPlans.com! |
| Discount dental plans are designed for individuals, families and groups looking to save money on their dental care needs. Participating dental care providers have agreed to accept a discounted fee from plan members as payment-in-full for services performed. As a plan member, you simply show your membership card when visiting any participating plan provider to receive dental services at discounted fees. |
| Why Join a Discount Dental Plan with DentalPlans.com? |  | Joining a discount dental plan will allow you to save money on quality dental care. Protect and preserve your family's smile and overall health with one of our popular family plans. Our qualified Customer Service Representatives will assist you in finding the right plan and participating provider in your area.
Some of the many benefits of our discount dental plans include: • Savings of 10% to 60% on most dental procedures • Choose from 100,000+ participating dentists in more than 30 combined regional and national dental networks • Immediate online enrollment and quick plan activation • Easy-to-use search tools and plan comparison charts • Qualified Customer Service Representatives to assist you • No unnecessary paperwork hassles • Discounts on dental specialties available with most plans • No health restrictions These are just a few of the ways we save America money on quality dental care … one smile at a time! |
> Click Here and take the first step towards a healthier smile!
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Savings plans are NOT insurance and the savings will vary by provider, plan and zip code. These plans are not considered to be qualified health plans under the Affordable Care Act. Please consult with the respective plan detail page for additional plan terms. The discounts are available through participating healthcare providers only. To check that your provider participates, visit our website or call us. Since there is no paperwork or reimbursement, you must pay for the service at the time it's provided. You will receive the discount off the provider's usual and customary fees when you pay. We encourage you to check with your participating provider prior to beginning treatment. Note-not all plans and offers available in all markets. Special promotions including, but not limited to, additional months free are not available to California residents. The DENTALPLANS.COM website is administered by DENTALPLANS.COM, INC., a licensed Florida Discount Medical Plan Organization, 8100 S.W. 10th Street Suite #2000, Plantation, FL 33324. Plans and Programs offered by DentalPlans.com are not health insurance policies. Plans and Programs offered by DentalPlans.com provide discounts at certain health care providers for medical services. Plans and Programs offered by DentalPlans.com do not make payments directly to the providers of medical services. The Plan or Program member is obligated to pay for all health care services but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted with the Plan, Program or discount plan organization.
Special promotions including but not limited to additional months free and Membership Rewards® points from American Express are not available to California residents.
© 1999-2011 DentalPlans.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Patents Pending.
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