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Posted on 24 March 2012 at 10:15:30 by Magi. | Print News Share

Great American Days coupons, product deals

Listed here are the latest coupons, free shipping specials and product deals from!

Great American Days coupons

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Great Amerian Days Promos

 "Weightless Flights-Las Vegas, NV"
"Your FAA approved weightless experience begins with ground training and a presentation from a veteran astronaut on what to expect. After a light lunch and safety review you will step aboard the plane for your flight which lasts approximately three hours. During your flight our pilots will put the specially modified Boeing 727 through many parabolic maneuvers allowing you to experience weightlessness each time. At the end of your flight you will receive a digital video of your experience, log book, framed photos, framed certificates, t-shirts and a mission patch to commemorate your amazing day."
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Race your own NASCAR Experience - 80 laps - Kentucky
"We put you behind the wheel, and in total control, for this incredible Stock Car racing experience. Your Stock Car racing day begins with an orientation and then a tour of the track, after which you are put behind the wheel of your own NEXTEL Stock Car for several sessions that will total 80 heart-stopping laps. The length of each session will be determined by you and your instructor, and after each session, if you need it, we'll give you a full critique to help you find the perfect NASCAR racing line and reach even faster speeds. This adventure is the closest you can get to full NEXTEL Cup NASCAR Racing with drafting, passing and side by side racing. All 80 lap sessions start at 7.30am and last an entire day."
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Special Forces Training 3 Day Adventure - Florida
"Learn Special Forces skills and Covert-Ops training in this the ultimate three day adventure. You will undergo training in everything in the two day adventure plus helicopter drills, hostage rescue and evasion. Once you have completed all these exercise you will take part in a complete Special Forces training mission as a team or individual that includes helicopter infiltration, weapons and put your new found skills to the test where the emphasis is on your enjoyment. This is the ultimate full day mission where you work with and against the best in the world. Are you ready?"
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  "4WD Full Day Rally Driving, 1 on 1 - Florida"
"After a classroom briefing session you will be taken to a skill pad where you will learn, practice and perfect off road driving skills such as slalom, hand brake turns, reactions, drifts and power sliding. After another quick briefing you will be put into a rally car for the real off road driving course. This off road driving course was designed and built for training professional rally drivers so you will be tested to the limits of the cars performance. During this rally driving experience we concentrate on spending as much time on the track as possible, not in the classroom and so you get the maximum amount of off road driving time."
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Fighter Pilot Experience - Nationwide
"Experience firsthand the thrill and excitement of being a fighter pilot in a light attack fighter in air-to-air combat. This fighter pilot air combat experience is totally unique. This is not an air combat simulator and you don’t need a pilot’s license. This full one day experience gives you an introduction to fighter pilot training using the actual skills taught to current military fighter pilots. After being fitted with a full flight suit and completing the air combat briefings you'll climb into the fighter aircraft alongside your instructor. With your hands on the controls you will engage in a minimum of six combat engagements where you will have amazing ""g-pulling"" dogfights. PLEASE NOTE: Each redemption is for 1 person only. There are just two participants in each class. You must weigh less than 250 lbs and stand no taller than 6' 7"". Flights take place throughout the year but there maybe limited availability in your area so please book at the earliest opportunity. "
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Hot Air Balloon Ride For Two - Nationwide
"Soar away on a breathtaking and tranquil hot air balloon flight for two. Take in the majestic scenery America has to offer and enjoy a birds-eye view over the landscape. Wake up early and awaken your senses with a sunrise flight or take a moment to relax and reflect on your day during a sunset flight. The minimum flying age is 6 and the maximum weight is 270lbs. "
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A trip to the edge of space, a ride in a NASCAR or a day spent undercover training with the team that trains the Navy SEALs. Not a storyline from James Bond but just some of the unbelievable activity gifts available at Great American Days, America’s leading experience gift specialist.

Amazing Adventure Gift Ideas!

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