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Posted on 03 January 2014 at 18:40:30 by Magi. | Print News Share

Muvee coupons, free shipping, product deals!

Listed here are the latest coupons, free shipping specials and product deals from!

Muvee coupons

muvee Homepage
Description: Homepage Link with Deep Linking Enabled.
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$10 off muvee Reveal X
Description: $10 off muvee Reveal X
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Offer expires:

Introducing muvee Reveal X
Description: HD Movie making made easy! Turn photos and videos into entertaining movies.
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December Super Deals on Wedding Studio - Take 50% off on muvee Wedding Studio for Windows - Enhance your wedding pictures and then create stunning slideshows with them!
Description: December Super Deals on Wedding Studio - Take 50% off on muvee Wedding Studio for Windows - Enhance your wedding pictures and then create stunning slideshows with them, Achieve professional results in minutes! Wedding Studio combines the two most advanced and easy to use photo and video editing tools on the market, unveiling the secrets of the professionals to every user.
Offer started on: 2017-12-06 12:06:00.0
Offer expires: 2017-12-31

360 Video Stitcher Software - This application automatically stitch 360 videos captured, quick and easy trimming, sit back and enjoy the 360 view.
Description: 360 Video Stitcher Software - This application automatically stitch 360 videos captured, quick and easy trimming, sit back and enjoy the 360 view, packages with meta-data essential for proper playback when sharing with
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10% off muvee Reveal Finale
Description: 10% off muvee Reveal Finale
Offer started on:
Offer expires:

10% off muvee Reveal 11
Description: 10% off muvee Reveal 11
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Offer expires:

Use Coupon Code: COUPONCTS05, for 10% off muvee Reveal Products
Description: Coupon Code for 10% off muvee Reveal Products (muvee Reveal 11, muvee Reveal 11 Business, muvee Turbo Stabilizer, muvee Turbo Video Cutter, muvee Reveal X, muvee Reveal X Business Pack, muvee Reveal Family Pack, and muvee Photo Creations).
Offer started on: 2014-04-09 18:10:00.0
Offer expires: 2020-04-09 18:10:05.0

Download video editor now,
Description: Download muvee Revel Finale the most advance video editor
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Offer expires:

Use Coupon Code: VE10SW, for 10% off total purchases
Description: Coupon Code for 10% off muvee Reveal Products (muvee Reveal 11, muvee Reveal 11 Business, muvee Turbo Stabilizer, muvee Turbo Video Cutter, muvee Reveal X, muvee Reveal X Business Pack, muvee Reveal Family Pack, and muvee Photo Creations).
Offer started on: 2014-04-09 18:10:00.0
Offer expires: 2020-04-09 18:10:00.0

Use Coupon Code: COUPONCTS05, for $5 off muvee Reveal Products
Description: Coupon Code for $5 off muvee Reveal Products (muvee Reveal 11, muvee Reveal 11 Business, muvee Turbo Stabilizer, muvee Turbo Video Cutter, muvee Reveal X, muvee Reveal X Business Pack, muvee Reveal Family Pack, and muvee Photo Creations).
Offer started on: 2014-04-09 18:10:00.0
Offer expires: 2020-04-09 18:10:05.0

Storytelling made easy with 3 simple steps using muvee Reveal X
Description: Tell your story your way! HD Movie making made easy! Turn photos and videos into entertaining movies.
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Offer expires:

Use Coupon Code: COUPONCTS10, for $10 off muvee Reveal Products
Description: Coupon Code for $10 off muvee Reveal Products (muvee Reveal 11, muvee Reveal 11 Business, muvee Turbo Stabilizer, muvee Turbo Video Cutter, muvee Reveal X, muvee Reveal X Business Pack, muvee Reveal Family Pack, and muvee Photo Creations).
Offer started on: 2014-04-09 18:10:00.0
Offer expires: 2020-04-09 18:10:00.0

muvee Reveal X
Description: 10% off muvee Reveal X
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10% off muvee Reveal X
Description: 10% off coupon for muvee Reveal X.
Offer started on:
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muvee Reveal X Business
Description: 10% off muvee Reveal X Business
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10% off muvee Reveal X Business
Description: 10% off muvee Reveal X Business
Offer started on:
Offer expires:

Introducing muvee Reveal X Business
Description: 10% off muvee Reveal X Business
Offer started on:
Offer expires:

Holiday Season muvee Reveal Encore for Windows Special - Take 50% off on muvee Reveal Encore for Windows - Create awesome videos automatically with added control and full customization!
Description: Holiday Season muvee Reveal Encore for Windows Special - Take 50% off on muvee Reveal Encore for Windows - Create awesome videos automatically with added control and full customization! Chapters, Anchoring, Music, Cinematic Titles, Photo Enhancements – all included! Craft beautiful movies quickly, then easily personalize them using powerful features like Chapters, Anchoring, Music Recommendation, Cinematic Trailer Titles, Photo Enhancements, magicMoments and magicSpot!
Offer started on: 2017-12-06 16:44:00.0
Offer expires: 2017-12-31

muvee Reveal Finale Product Page
Description: muvee Reveal Finale Product Page Link with Deep Linking Enabled.
Offer started on:
Offer expires:

muvee Reveal 11 Product Page
Description: muvee Reveal 11 Product Page Link with Deep Linking Enabled.
Offer started on:
Offer expires:

$10 off muvee Reveal 11
Description: $10 off muvee Reveal 11
Offer started on:
Offer expires:

December muvee 360 Video Stitcher Super Deals - Take 50% off on muvee 360 Video Stitcher for Mac - The Only Mac Software that supports the Samsung Gear 360 Videos and Pictures!
Description: December muvee 360 Video Stitcher Super Deals - Take 50% off on muvee 360 Video Stitcher for Mac - The Only Mac Software that supports the Samsung Gear 360 Videos and Pictures! This application puts the power of our proprietary instant trim engine and stitching profiles for the Samsung Gear 360 camera into one simple to use software. Simply drag your 360 videos or pictures from your SD Card, Trim and Share!
Offer started on: 2017-12-06 12:55:00.0
Offer expires: 2017-12-31

muvee Wedding Studio - The secret to an excellent photo is the digital edition that takes place after you take the shot. Download FREE Trial at!
Description: muvee Wedding Studio - Photo Enhancer and Slideshow Maker are two of the features in muvee Wedding Studio. The secret to an excellent photo is the digital edition that takes place after you take the shot. DIY and get professional results. Download FREE Trial at!
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No other coupons or offers are currently available from our affiliate database.

Instantly create and share the kind of home movies and slideshows that make people go "WOW!" You don't have to be a computer whiz because muvee automatically edits your video and syncs stylish visual effects to the beat of your favorite music. And powerful personalization features let you easily customize your muvee the way you want in just a few clicks… without the hard work of video editing.

Muvee Banner

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