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Posted on 03 January 2014 at 16:30:05 by Magi. | Print News Share

zChocolat Mahogany Chocolate Boxes

Listed here are the latest mahogany chocolate boxes from! Country / Language selector: English / USA, French, UK, Spanish

Mahogany 2-Drawer Chocolate Box (30 pieces)Mahogany 2-Drawer Chocolate Box (30 pieces)
Chocolate Reflections. A very wise man once mused Fortunate is the chocolate thus roaming the world through women's smiles finds its death over a flavorful and melting kiss in their mouths. This quote by Anthelme Brillat-Savarin comes to life in a most sumptuous way as the 30 chocolates in this selection are unveiled. Two drawers open to reveal a magnificent display of handmade chocolates held in a beautiful mahogany box that is adorned with the French version of Monsieur Savarin's words. An evening of chocolate and poetry has never been so inviting.
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Mahogany 3-Drawer Chocolate Box (45 pieces)Mahogany 3-Drawer Chocolate Box (45 pieces)
The Center ofAttention. A magnetic centerpiece befitting of the most splendid events this chic masterpiece calls out to be displayed for all to appreciate - after a few fabulous hand-made chocolates have been sampled of course. Three drawers of chocolate rhapsody will amaze and astound even the most meticulous connoisseurs. Roasted Valencia almonds bitter sweet candied orange Piedmont hazelnut praline crushed coffee beans lavender honey vanilla butter caramel exotic coriander delicate floral notes and many other flavours combine with velvety milk chocolate sharp dark chocolate and the occasional smooth white chocolate to bestow your palate with wonderful contrasts in tone taste and aroma. A request for refills will certainly not linger.
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Mahogany 4-Drawer Chocolate Box (60 pieces)Mahogany 4-Drawer Chocolate Box (60 pieces)
The Utmost in Luxury. This extraordinary gift will leave your recipient speechless. Four drawers of pure chocolate extravagance all encased in a stunning decorated box make for a divine experience that will elate all your senses. It is the utmost in luxury and will hold you captivated with every bite. The Shimmer begs you to bask in the opulence of 60 brilliant creations by our four master chocolatiers who have travelled the world to bring you the very best of fine chocolate. Once you have thoroughly relished each piece the handcrafted mahogany case will remain a lasting memento of an unforgettable zChocolat encounter. Be prepared magical things happen when one receives such an unexpected blissful experience!
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2 Mini Mahogany Chocolate Boxes (10 pieces)2 Mini Mahogany Chocolate Boxes (10 pieces)
Chocolate for two! Nothing but perfection for the ones you treasure. What better way to share your love for excellence and refinement than this ideal ten piece chocolate twin set. An exquisite and precious treat for all couples.
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Mahogany Chocolate Box Carved With A Golden Heart (15 pieces)Mahogany Chocolate Box Carved With A Golden Heart (15 pieces)
The perfect I love
you gift! Dreamy stunning romantic -- World Champion Pascal Caffet along with our other award winning master chocolatiers created this unique selection of chocolates with passion to beget passion. Colors textures flavors and aromas coalesce in an entrancing assortment -- and the elegant hinged box lovingly conveys your feelings with a solid brass heart -- you can even add a brass plate boldly declaring your personal message -- eternally etched with a diamond. You may also want to consider our Touche Deluxe -- Our extraordinary Touche collectible box (described above) is accompanied by a two-pack chocolate refill at half the normal cost. Triple the bliss!

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Deluxe Mahogany Chocolate Box + Hygrometer (15 pieces)Deluxe Mahogany Chocolate Box + Hygrometer (15 pieces)
The art of fine chocolate meets mathematical precision. This one of a kind handcrafted and varnished mahogany box is bejewelled with a hygrometer that indicates the humidity level contained within its case. Step into the world of our Master Chocolatiers and gain insight on what it takes to preserve the exquisite fresh taste of these fifteen tempting morsels. Gourmet chocolate is more than an art; it's also a science. The impeccable blend of precision and inspiration unfold in this unforgettable gift to bring you the most delicious experience of chocolate extraordinaire and to instill you with a newfound passion for all things chocolate.
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Best chocolate gift delivery : is specialized in sending the best gourmet chocolate gifts worldwide. Each chocolate is hand-made by world-champion French chocolatiers without preservatives. Express international gift delivery by DHL

Luxury Chocolate Gifts

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