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Combos / Skills Database 10 June 2008
Fatalities - Database 10 June 2008
FanSite Under Dev 18 February 2008
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BearBabe - 30/11/2008 23:42:00 - New AOC Item Database
Check this new AoC Item Database: --- Very cool site...
Magi - 22/10/2008 15:16:49 - Necro 80 v PoM 80 Magus PvP Battle
Hmmm Necro's are prob really good in large battles...
DaOpa - 22/10/2008 04:17:52 - Vudani 80 Guardian
"Vudani 80 Guardian Age of Conan Shadowblade PvP"...
DaOpa - 22/10/2008 04:16:30 - Gray - 80 Guardian PVP
"Gray - 80 Guardian PVP" Gray - 80 Guardian - Aquilonia...
DaOpa - 22/10/2008 04:14:35 - AOC Guardian LvL 80 PVP
"AOC Guardian LvL 80 PVP" Lvl 80 Guardian doing some...
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Game Information: Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures

As a galley slave you land on the burning beaches of Tortage. With no memory of your past, a broken oar and tattered clothes you enter a fantastic journey where you will define your destiny. In a world filled with cruel gods, mythical creatures and a struggling human race, Conan the mighty barbarian has finally seized the throne. As king of Aquilonia, his rule begins to spiral toward the doom of ancient evils as his enemies resurrect from the darkest corners of Hyboria.

In Conan the players will encounter a dark, lush, violent and sinful universe, presented in fantastic graphics and stunning 7.1 surround audio. In a world filled with cruel gods, mythical creatures, lost civilizations and a struggling human race, the mighty barbarian has finally seized the throne as king of Aquilonia. But Conan’s rule is on the brink of chaos, spiraling towards the doom of ancient evils.

In this twisted fantasy world, dark magic and brutal combat lurks around every corner, and each man and woman must carve their own unique destiny under Conan’s reign. In the true vision of Robert E. Howard’s dark universe it’s now time for you to become a messenger of death.


  • First Mature rated MMORPG - Savage, bloody, violent and sexy; delivering the true essence of Robert E. Howard’s original vision.
  • Real Combat System - Fight mounted or on the ground. Team up in battle formations and command others in epic multiplayer battles and massive sieges in real time.
  • Player vs. Player and Player vs. Environment - Meet the ultimate resistance in human opponents, and crush the skulls of other players in arena fights, drunken brawls and sieges.
  • Diverse Gameplay – Build cities, craft unique artifacts, explore a fantastic world, befriend others and master the use of magic, steel or bows.
  • True Conan Experience - Explore King Conan's amazing universe and roam in the brutal footsteps of the world’s greatest fantasy hero. Battle terrifying demons and defeat devastating monsters known from 70 years of Conan lore.
  • Conan’s World - Enter a gigantic and savage world spread across the three nations of Aquilonia, Cimmeria and Stygia. Explore jungles, deserts, mountains, valleys, dungeons and cities.
  • Advanced Technologies - Optimized for DirectX 10, Multi-core CPU and featuring Advanced Artificial Intelligence; Age of Conan takes advantage of the Dream World™ MMO Technology, delivering extremely detailed environments and real life physics.
  • Player vs. Player and Player vs. Environment - Meet the ultimate resistance in human opponents, and crush the skulls of other players in arena fights, drunken brawls and sieges. Charge into the world of Conan, and fight monsters and demons alone or in groups.
  • Guild and Solo Gameplay - Form guilds and lay siege to hostile castles in massive PvP battles. Team up with other players in clans or face the Hyborian dangers all by yourself.
  • Character Customization – Let your imagination run wild with thousands of options. Create your character and shape it up to fit the role and style you want to play.
  • Amazing graphics - A next generation game in every sense of the word, 'Age of Conan' is a key title in Microsoft's Games for Windows line-up, as well as a showcase DX10 title for nVidia. Expect an unprecedented visual feast.
  • 7.1 Surround Sound – Feel the powerful sound effects and epic soundtrack in 7.1 surround sound. Listen to gripping voices and dynamic sounds pulling you into savage world of Conan.


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