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Posted on 06 October 2007 at 18:36:49 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Power of Logos

Thousands of years ago, an Ancient Species known as the Eloh, made a great discovery. They uncovered a key to a powerful science unifying all known theories of physics. With this key, they were able to unlock answers to the fundamental questions of the Universe that explain the nature of all matter and energy. This knowledge allowed them to develop Logos, a way to manipulate matter, energy, and force in unique and powerful ways.

Logos Shrine - Tabula Rasa

With the power of LOGOS at their disposal, they began exploring the universe. By folding space to quickly cross vast distances, they visited galaxies of all sizes in a quest to meet other sentient life. The Eloh shared their knowledge with all whom could comprehend this powerful truth. But sharing such knowledge and giving other LOGOS-receptive beings the ability to manipulate matter, energy, and force would eventually trigger an intergalactic war between the Eloh and the Bane, resulting in the enslavement of many species and ensuring the Bane’s place as our oppressors.

Logos Activation - Tabula Rasa

Like any science, LOGOS can be used for great advancement and discovery, or great destruction and oppression. Though the enemy has access to the knowledge of LOGOS, like all beings the Eloh visited, they are not able to harness its full power. Luckily for the members of the Allied Free Sentients, Bane usage of this power has always been volatile and unpredictable. Whether it is lack of training, lack of discipline, or an incomplete understanding of the power they hold, the Bane have never been able to master LOGOS. We must exploit this weakness. Our mastery of LOGOS is what will ensure our success and grant us freedom from our oppressors.

Logos Activation Close up

In Tabula Rasa, you are a LOGOS-receptive soldier of the AFS, and are able to learn the language of LOGOS at shrines throughout the worlds you travel to. Not only can your knowledge of LOGOS be used to activate special abilities that can help the AFS win this war, but the ancient symbols you uncover can also unlock hidden locations where you can further your training and enhance your skills. Ancient secrets will be revealed to you as you collect more and more LOGOS to your tablet.

LOGOS abilities will allow you to harness the very fabric of the cosmos. Use this power to defeat the Bane and secure our future!

Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of NCsoft Corporation and its Licensors and used with permission. All rights reserved


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